授權商品及服務 / Licensing for merchandises and services


BROWNIE & RONNIE 角色授權 / BROWNIE & RONNIE Character Licensing

BROWNIE & RONNIE 是香港成立品牌,共有五個動物角色。各有不同的性格。故事背景圍繞著BROWNIE 和他的朋友的生活和日常趣事!稍後我們會推出網上動畫短片,四格漫畫及插畫,以延續故事的發展!希望大家密切留意! 

我們提供BROWNIE & RONNIE 的角色授權,可供客戶生產各式各樣的商品,例如,手機殼,水杯,手袋,毛公仔,衣服,家品,文具,兒童用品,等等。附圖是我們的部份商品樣本。

另外我們亦可授權角色給客戶用於市場行銷,商品宣傳,商場活動及佈置等等! 歡迎有興趣人士查詢!

BROWNIE & RONNIE is a local brand which established in Hong Kong. We have totally five characters. Every character has its own characteristics. The story background is around the daily life and the funny things of Brownie and his friends. We will have the short animation and short comics to develop the story online. Please pay attention to our website!

We provide the character licensing for different merchandises, such as, phone case, mug, bag, fashion items, stationery,  home products, kids products, etc. 

We also provide character licensing for marketing, promotion, mall event and decorations. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us!  

近期活動 / Latest Activities

我們透過香港國際授權展這個機會正式推出BROWNIE & RONNIE 這個品牌,在這個展覽會上我們接觸到世界各地的買家及參觀者,亦令到BROWNIE & RONNIE這個品牌得到曝光的機會! 今屆的香港國際授權展圓滿結束,我你亦收到不少的查詢,我們會繼續用努力會熱情去發展這個品牌和宣傳,希望將來會有更多人認識和喜愛我們這個品牌。亦希望可以跟各大公司,品牌及生產商聯乘合作發展這個在香港土生土長的品牌。為世界各地的人帶來歡樂! 達到各方共贏!

如閣下有任何方案和我們BROWNIE & RONNIE 聯乘合作,歡迎將方案電郵給我們。

We are pleased to inform you that we've formally launched our brand in the Hong Kong International Licensing Show 2018. In this exhibition, we meet different buyers and visitors, who feel interest in our brand. We will continue to develop and promote our brand. We wish more and more people know our brand as well as love our brand. We also hope that we can have some crossover projects with different brands and companies in order to achieve the win win situation between the customers and our company.

If you have any crossover project idea, please feel free to contact us!

社會責任及慈善活動 / Social responsibilities and Charities

我們是一個成立於香港的品牌,我們熱愛香港!希望為香港作出改變! 雖然力量雖少,但是亦希望為大家帶出一點正能量。為大家帶來歡樂。如果閣下希望BROWNIE & RONNIE的角色能用於閣下的慈善活動,可電郵聯絡我們查詢! 

We are a local brand in Hong Kong. We love Hong Kong and would like to make changes! Although we've only limited power, we would like to spread out the positive energy and happiness to the people. If you would like to cooperate with us for charities purposes. Please feel free to contact us by email. Thank you very much!